Thursday, April 23, 2009

New vocabulary word that I learned

Pathology: The scientific study of the nature of disease and its cause.
This word was in capital letters,writing on top of a folder with patient medical record.

Eligibility: Qualified or entitled to be chosen
I saw this word on a list that was on the wall, I think it was some paper with bunch of rules.

Cumulative: Increasing or enlarging by successive addition
One of the many word that is on patient medical record.

Anticoagulant: A substance that prevents the clotting of blood.
A little piece of paper that was attached on a patient medical record.

Neurology: The science of the nerves and the nervous system.
This word was on top of a folder that contain patient medical record.

Orthopaedic: The branch of surgery broady concerned with the skeletal system (bones)
This word was the title for a folder


  1. Any new word would be from patient medical form because that is what I deal with everyday.

  2. Saghine,

    Very nice work! They're all highly technical words, mostly specific to the medical field. When dealing with medical records, you certainly encounter a lot of new words. Reading your post reminds me of being around my mom who is a nurse. She used to use some of these words with me when I was a kid and I hurt my back. The word orthopedic in particular is one I knew.
